Mathematics-in-Industry NZ (MINZ) events offer a collaborative approach to industry problem solving, where mathematical scientists tackle real life problems shared by companies.
2016 Events details:
What: 2nd Annual Maths-In-Industry NZ
Where: Hugh Mackenzie Building, University of Victoria, Kelburn campus. Kelburn Parade, Wellington 6012
When: Monday 4th July - Friday 8th July, 2016

MINZ is delighted to announce Professor Andrew Fowler, Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Limerick and University of Oxford as the Plenary speaker.
Andrew’s undergraduate was at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, gaining a first in mathematics in 1974, progressing to a D.Phil. on glacier dynamics under the supervision of Alan Tayler, submitted in 1977 and granted in 1978. From 1977 to 1980 his postdoc was at Trinity College Dublin, continued working on glaciology, and also started work on mantle convection, a subject he still pursues. After that, Andrew went to M.I.T, first as an Instructor, and then as Assistant Professor (in the Mathematics Department).
After leaving M.I.T. in 1985 to take up a University lecturership in Mathematics at Oxford University, together with a Fellowship at Corpus Christi College. In 1999 he was appointed Adjunct Professor in the University of Limerick, and from November 2007, I was appointed Stokes Professor in Limerick, in association with the creation of the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI).
Key note abstract
The derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations
Many applied mathematicians consider fluid mechanics to be essential to their subject, if not actually to define it, but there are few who are aware of the mechanical derivation of the equations from the fundamental laws of particle dynamics.
This talk will describe the astonishing derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations from the equations of statistical mechanics, due to Maxwell and Boltzmann, and elaborated later by Chapman and Enskog. The talk assumes an undergraduate knowledge of probability theory, fluid mechanics and applied analysis.
MINZ is excited to announce, in partnership with Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Royal Society of New Zealand, the participation of mathematicians from the Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University along with a challenge from the Japan agency for Marine-Earth science and technology. We are very excited to meet our guests. We are also just as excited to send NZ mathematicians to the Japanese Study week in late July/August.
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