MINZ events are exciting and dynamic forums where academics and researchers can apply their expert knowledge in the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences to help solve real world problems.
Prior to the event, MINZ representatives will work with each company to define their industry challenge.
The first day of the event involves each company presenting their challenge to an audience of mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers.
The audience then forms into teams that work with the company representatives. During the next few days the teams work on identifying a solution, including carrying out any modelling, analysis and computation that is required.
On the final day the teams present results to the companies and outline a plan for any future work that is required.
The workshop provides a structured opportunity to make contact and forge partnerships with New Zealand industries interested in utilising your skills. It is also an opportunity to collaborate with other mathematicians, scientists and engineers to produce outcomes of immediate industrial relevance.
These events are often the launch pad for long term partnerships between mathematicians and businesses, powering up innovation within industry.
What's the cost?
Attendance is free of charge for participating mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers, in return for volunteering your time to work on the industrial problems.
We will also provide morning and afternoon tea each day. There is a free workshop dinner on Day 3 (details in Social events box).
Students outside of Christchurch please indicate on registration if you wish to be considered for an accommodation subsidy.
Also ask your mathematics departments for potential local travel scholarships.
Further accommodation options
Note MINZ does not subsidize accommodation beyond that for students from outside of Christchurch.
How can I be involved?
- Register to attend the MINZ! Everyone brings different skills to this event and no matter what your level of experience with industrial problems is, your skills and presence will be valued.
- If you have an industry contact who you think would be interested in the MINZ, then please contact the Problem Challenges Coordinator James Williams james.williams@canterbury.ac.nz
Does your business have a mathematical challenge to solve? World leading applied mathematicians from across New Zealand can solve YOUR industry challenges!
As well as solving your immediate issues, these events are often the launch pad for long term partnerships between businesses and mathematicians, powering up innovation within industry. A summary and technical report will be prepared with aim of publication in the future.
How can I be involved?
Prior to the event, MINZ representatives will work with your company to define your particular challenge.
Please contact the MINZ Director to register your interest in presenting an industry challenge.
What's the investment?
A registration fee of $10,000 (plus GST) per challenge is payable if your company is chosen to present a challenge at the event.
A project representative from your company should attend the five-day workshop to work with the mathematicians as an expert advisor.
Social event
The MINZ event includes a social dinner – a great opportunity for you to network with other industry representatives and colleagues in an enjoyable and casual setting.
Professor Emeritus of Industrial Mathematics at Massey University, and leader of the new Mathematics-in-Industry NZ group, which is getting a hundred mathematical scientists to brainstorm real-world problems from six companies.
Mathematics-in-Industry Challenges and Frontiers 3 June 2020
For more information contact James Williams.

Compac Sorting Equipment
Optimal sorting of fruit into fixed weight packaging
"The support of the math group helped us transform how we sort products into fixed weight packaging. This avenue was fast, effective and productive for our team."
Nigel Beach, Research & Development Manager, Compac Sorting Equipment.
"The support of the math group increased our confidence in the procedures we have in place met or exceeded international best practice. This event is an efficient process to have a large group of experts looking at a specific industry issue."
Jo Simpson, Calibration Technologist, Fonterra.